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    NEW: Shop Online for a few of our favorite wellness essentials. For a limited time, free shipping or local delivery.

    Join us for a bi-weekly program we call Japan House Shares where we will explore a new theme with how-to videos, historical reference, craft projects and more!

    Go to the Japan House YouTube page and look for the Japan House Shares playlist. There you can see all of the past themes and watch the new one every other Sunday at 4pm.


    谷歌挂梯子是什么意思:2021-5-8 · 梯子,日常生活用具,该工具由两根长粗杆子做边,中间横穿适合攀爬的横杆,用于爬高,梯子分为升降单梯和升降人字梯。除此之外梯子还是网络用语,一般的人不知道是什么意思。其实就是一个看外面世界的好用的工具。它在我伔平时网络冲浪生活中随处可见也是常用到的工具,是和我伔的生活 ...

    It is the top priority and responsibility of Japan House to take abundant caution for the health and safety of our guests, supporters, and staff. We encourage everyone to do what they can to stay healthy, informed and updated with information by following the guidelines and suggestions on the CDC website and http://covid19.illinois.edu/

    云梯 - 看到精彩世界:越过网络服务商限制,与其它国家的任何企业自由地沟通合作、在线协作和无障碍交易,而不用担心网络连接时不时地被重置。 海淘伕购 在亚马逊、易贝、樂天市场、沃尔格林、健安喜、百思买、第五大道、诺德斯特龙、丝芙兰、巴塔哥尼亚、6PM、Drugstore、Diapers 等网站上快捷购物

    The gardens of Japan House remain free and open to the public at this time. If you have any questions, please email us at japanhouse@illinois.edu.

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    Study Opportunities

    University Classes
    Community Classes
    Internship Opportunities

    Through cultural courses and seminars, community outreach programs, and international visiting artists, Japan House builds bridges and generates connections that unite us in our collective humanity.

    Japan House offers a variety of comprehensive classes in traditional Japanese arts for both University of Illinois students as well as community members.

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